HealThy Mind
Healthy Mind’s goal is to battle poor mental health by explaining healthy and effective coping mechanisms.
Poor mental health is unfortunately very common amongst teenagers and adolescents. One out of every six children in the United States was diagnosed with a mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder between the ages of 2 and 8 (CDC, 2021). This only exhibits the diagnosed mental health disorders, as many go undiagnosed and unresolved.
Being able to cope healthily with your emotions is not simply known, it must be taught and practiced. Many teens are not taught how to deal with their emotions properly; therefore, they often resort to unhealthy and convenient coping mechanisms.
Ignoring a person’s mental health can reciprocally affect their behaviors negatively. It is common for poor mental health to lead to poor academic performance, drop in school attendance, lack of communication with friends, and family members, substance abuse, feeling of abandonment, homicidal ideation, and suicidal tendency.
Unfortunately NYC public schools are considerably lacking in mental health resources. Therefore, I designed this website to provide an outlet for adolescents and teens seeking emotional relief and growth. My intent with this website is to embed a sense of resilience within many young adults, to carry with them throughout their school life and into the future.
“The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.”